Helicopter Pilot Yells At Passenger For Grabbing The Death Lever, Which Begs The Question: Why Does The Helicopter Have a Death Lever?

Pretty self-explanatory what's happening here. A couple tourists signed up for a helicopter tour over the Grand Canyon. Very beautiful, very hot. Mid-flight, this hole-in-the-ground enthusiast grabbed hold of a very accessible lever. A lever conveniently located on passenger side of the cockpit. A lever that if pulled, would have killed everybody inside.

Naturally, the internet is shaming this handsy tourist. The inside of a helicopter soaring over the Grand Canyon seems like a pretty obvious, "Don't pull levers" scenario. I've never been in a helicopter, due to a combination of fear and poor, but I do know if I did find myself in one, I would be hands to myself. 

That being said, if you don't want your passenger to kill everybody inside the helicopter, then maybe don't design it with a death lever.

What is the death lever for? Who is responsible for designing this chopper? What other features does the death lever offer aside from "killing everyone inside"? Why does a lever that results in instant death even exist?

I'm not condoning this woman's actions, but the location/existence of the death lever is downright irresponsible. Remember that Star Wars Family Guy clip where Stewie Darth Vader learns that the Death Star has a small hole in the side that if shot with a laser will blow up the entire space ship.

That's what this death lever reminds me of. Everything is perfect, except if you do this one little thing then your lives are over. 

Now, I'm sure there's a valid reason for having the lever. I understand that it must serve a real purpose. From what I can see in the comments, I think it might be the rotor break. So fine.. I'll give you that. The lever is probably necessary. But maybe don't put it eye-level of the drunk vacationer who you're allowing to sit in the cockpit because she gave you $189 and signed a waiver she didn't read. Is there a reason the lever can't be on the pilot's side? Is there a reason they made it look so god damn enticing?

I don't know what was going through this woman's head. Maybe she fucking loves the Grand Canyon so much that she wanted to try and get a really up close look at it. No idea. But just a suggestion for all you helicopter designers out there. When you're building your chopper, maybe make it a little more difficult for the passengers to send it plummeting to the ground. Reconsider the death lever.

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